36 Tips When You're Walking to Lose Weight, According to Experts

For most of human history, walking to lose weight wasn't a thought that crossed Homo sapiens' minds. Walking and running were merely transportation methods, the only means of getting from A to B. These days, that's no longer the case for most of us. You're more likely to rely on a car, train, or bus to get you where you need to go. And on top of desk jobs and long hours, there are even fewer opportunities in the day to walk anywhere for any reason—which is a big problem.

Why it's important to walk—for weight loss and otherwise.

Approximately 2 million deaths per year are attributed to physical inactivity, according to the World Health Organization. Sedentary lifestyles can be attributed to countless health problems, including increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, and depression.

Walking comes in handy when it comes to preventing chronic disease, but if you're also wondering can you lose weight by walking, the answer is also yes.

"Taking up walking on a regular basis can help reduce weight while also improving joint, hip, and knee pain," says Trista Best, MPH, RD, LD, a Registered Dietitian at Balance One Supplements.

"This is because walking increases joint lubrication and strengthens the muscles that support and protect them. You will improve and strengthen your respiratory system. Improvements in this area can decrease your risk of getting sick with respiratory illnesses. These side effects combined can ultimately improve your immune health. All of these benefits will ultimately lead to weight loss as you are able to walk with more endurance and greater incline," adds Best.

As for how much weight you can lose by walking, the results will vary. However, one study found that participants lost an average of three pounds by walking. And it might be obvious, but the study also reported that the more you walk, the more weight you'll lose.

Why you should be walking to lose weight.

Walking requires little in the way of equipment, it can be done more or less anywhere, and it's less likely to stress the joints in the way that running can.

But just because walking is an easy, natural way for humans to expend energy from the food we eat, it doesn't mean that we can't learn to do it better—and increase fat burn.

By following the tips below, you'll learn how walking to lose weight is a low-impact way to reach your body goals.

Walking tips before you leave the house.

18. Walk outside when you can, rather than on a treadmill.

"When given the opportunity, walk in nature as opposed to on a treadmill for even more benefits," recommends Monisha Bhanote, MD, FCAP, a quadruple board-certified physician with expertise in integrative medicine and pathology.

"Walking in nature can have an impact on your overall well-being by improving mood, reducing stress and anxiety, and even decreasing cortisol levels. This is important because elevated cortisol levels stimulate fat and carbohydrate metabolism, resulting in increased appetite and cravings for nutrient-poor food choices, ultimately causing weight gain. So if you are going to walk, take that nature trail for an added boost," says Dr. Bhanote.

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