55 Amazing Things Your Body Does to Protect Itself


Between all the aches and illnesses of everyday life, it can seem like your body is failing you more often than not. But, in reality, that couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, those very pains and sniffles are proof that your body is your greatest protector. From regulating the temperature of your organs to flushing out bacteria from your ears and eyes, your body is constantly working to keep you in tip-top shape. Curious to learn more about the ways your eyelashes and even your toenails are keeping you healthy?

1 Yawns to regulate brain temperature

Yawning isn't just a not-so-subtle signal to your friend that their story is boring you. This natural bodily inclination actually helps to regulate the temperature of your brain, according to the experts at the Smithsonian Institute.

"When we stretch our jaws, we increase the rate of blood flow to the skull," they note. "And as we inhale at the same time, the air changes the temperature of that blood flow, bringing cooler blood to the brain." And given how much work the brain does each and every day, this is a very important—and protective—function.

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