8 Common Supplement Mistakes That Mess With Your Results

Taking supplements may seem as simple as popping a pill and reaping the benefits, but that’s not quite the case. In fact, many people miss out on the full benefits of supplements by taking them improperly.

There are many common supplement mistakes people make—and they can certainly impact the benefits you do (or do not) experience. Here are eight to avoid.

1. Not Taking Fat-Soluble Vitamins With A Source Of Fat

This is an issue Hill frequently runs into in her practice. “Fat-soluble nutrients—such as vitamins A, D, E, and K—ought to be taken with a source of fat,” she says. “Fat-soluble” means “dissolves in fat,” so taking these vitamins sans fat seriously impacts their absorption.

“Recently, more supplement manufacturers are adding fats like coconut oil to their supplements to boost absorption,” Hill continues. However, that’s not a given across-the-board.

Read More: 7 Signs You Have A Vitamin D Deficiency

“Many take vitamin D first thing in the morning with their coffee,” notes Monisha Bhanote, M.D., a quadruple board-certified integrative physician. To better absorb vitamin D (or any other fat-soluble vitamin), Bhanote recommends taking it with a handful of nuts, avocado, or almond butter toast.

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