How to fall back to sleep after waking up

We’ve all been there.

We’ve woken up from a peaceful slumber, thanks to a nightmare, a random sound or the urge to pee, and as we try to get back to sleep, we find we just can’t. Our minds are awake and racing, and the more we try to fall back asleep, the harder it is.

But there are ways to help yourself get past this hurdle and back to dreamland. Here’s a roundup of do’s and don’ts for falling back asleep, so you’re better prepared the next time this happens to you.


  • Try leaving the room: “If one is awake after 15 minutes, it may be helpful to leave the bedroom and engage in restful activity and return to the bedroom when sleepy,” says Monisha Bhanote, MD, FCAP, a triple board-certified physician and Yoga Medicine® teacher. She suggests listening to relaxing music, writing in your journal or reading a book in low light until you feel tired again.

  • Try breathing techniques: Bhanote recommends trying guided meditation or visualization to quiet the mind, and if you’re feeling tense, progressive muscle relaxation may do the trick.What to do, and what not to do

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