Rose Quartz Crystal: Meaning, Healing, and How to Use

Crystals have been used in cultures all over the world for thousands of years. Their uses have included healing, meditation, protection, and creative inspiration.

One of the most popular crystals is the rose quartz. 

What is rose quartz?

The use of rose quartz is said to date back as far as 7,000 B.C. It’s also been claimed that Egyptian and Roman women used rose quartz face masks to clear their complexions and prevent wrinkles.

Today rose quartz is often used as jewelry, for meditation, or as decoration in homes or office spaces. 

The rose quartz is a pale pink stone that’s part of the quartz crystal family. 

Deeper pink varieties of the stone are sometimes called strawberry rose quartz. Lavender rose quartz varieties are pale purple.

Rose quartz is a mineral composed primarily of silicon dioxide molecules that typically form at about 752°F to 1,292°F (400°C to 700°C). The crystal can be found across the United States, Australia, Brazil, Madagascar, South Africa, India, Sweden, and Germany.

Healing properties

Rose quartz is perhaps best known for being the stone of unconditional love. It’s believed by some to emit a strong vibration of: 

  • love

  • joy

  • emotional healing

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